Citizens First

3323 W. 137th St, Robbins, IL 60472
For emergency and non-emergency - DIAL 911.
For suicide and mental health lifeline - DIAL 988
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"The Robbins Police Department exists to serve the public. We continuously strive to improve the level and quality of law enforcement services in the Village of Robbins. We Pledge to go the extra mile whenever possible and recognize that our strength is our citizens in the community. The Robbins Police Department accepts our mission to serve our community with the enduring belief that, in doing so, we serve ourselves; as Professionals, and we view our responsibility as a covenant of public trust."
Please click the links below for more information;
"Our broad philosophy is to embrace our community by preserving the citizens' rights and replacing the fear in the community through the prevention and detection of crime. To anticipate and respond to the events that threaten public order and the preservation of life and property. We always strive to make a difference in our community. We are committed to excellence in the service we provide."
In our effort to improve public and driver safety throughout the community, the Village of Robbins, after careful consideration and detailed analysis, installed a new and cutting edge photo-enforcement program, more commonly known as a "Red Light Camera" program in August 2019.
Intersections represent a disproportionate share of public safety problems on roadways. In fact, numerous studies have shown that the majority of traffic accidents at intersections are due to traffic signal violations and speeding. Violation of the basic rules of the road, especially the failure to stop at a red light, endangers us all!
Working in partnership with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), the Village of Robbins joins a growing number of safety-conscious communities in Illinois and other states that are taking a progressive stance to reduce vehicular accidents and improve driver behavior with the installation of automated red light camera enforcement systems.
In the Village of Robbins, red light camera systems will be placed at the following intersection(s):
• 135th St and Pulaski Rd, Southbound
Implementation of this type of program will reduce possible fatalities and severe personal injury due to driver carelessness and/or reckless disregard for the law. Red Light Cameras are only a cost to those who break the law so please respect the rules of the road. Thank you for helping to keep our roadways safe by remembering to Choose Safety. Stop on Red.
***Please note that the availability of statistical analysis reports is contingent on crash data being released to the public by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
Click here to view the Red Light Camera Brochure.
Click here to view the Stop on Red Light Public Service Announcement video.
The statistical analysis report for 135th St and Pulaski Rd Red Light Camera enforcer.
Robbins Police Divisions
Robbins Police Patrol Division
The Robbins Police Department consists of approximately 28 sworn officers and 6 non-sworn personnel. All of the sworn officers are required to complete 560 hours of mandated training. Additionally, RPD has continuous in-house training along with formal training through the North Eastern Multi-Region Training program (NEMRT). PPO officers train with experienced officers on law enforcement tactics and everyday policing. This training enables the officers to carry out their duties in a professional manner.
Every day, Robbins Police Officers work the streets keeping the residents, businesses, and visitors safe. Officers are assigned regular patrol zones. Assigning zones assures rapid response times and frequent coverage of the areas that require the most attention.
Typically, each shift consists of a shift supervisor (usually a sergeant), several patrol officers, and 1 detective. Additionally, the commanders and the Chief of Police make routine inspections of the patrol operations to ensure quality coverage of the town.
On weekends (typical shifts), all officers work on suppressing crime. Together, all components of the department function as a team to keep the village safe.